To inspire, to craft inspiring tools, to have inspiring customers.

Lekzo ensures high quality and battle tested software, driven by automation we craft software based on your requirements.

software craftsmanship

What we build

  • We make software solutions that leverage the latest technologies. This can be a web application, mobile application or other services that are required. We also help with the digital transformation of your company, contact us for more information.

We automate

Automation solutions are crafted on your unique needs and goals. From mailing a daily report to using artificial intelligence to sort products, everything is possible.

How we work

Initial meeting

We set up a meeting to define the scope and goal of the software solution. We meet with different stakeholders to understand the needs and learn about your business process.


A quotation is made as soon as it is clear what the software solution should do and why.

Requirement gathering

Before we can start on the first development cycle requirement gathering is done. We make requirements documentation in the form of user stories. And make sure everyone is on the same page before we start. We define what the MVP (minimum valuable product) is.


The development is usually done in cycles of 4 weeks. It starts with analyzing and prioritizing, features are crafted, at the end of the cycle a demo can be given of what has been developed. Feedback can be planned in the next iteration

This process will be repeated until all features are implemented. During the development, requirements can change which can have an impact on the duration of the project. We will help to keep your project within the budget estimated and advise on the impact on the budget and time of additional requests.

Support and maintenance

Software support is an ongoing service including fixing bugs, hosting, developing new features and code updates. It improves the security and quality of a custom software solution.

Core values

We are all crafters

We craft the tools and the company of our dreams.


Simple can be harder than complex, but it brings beauty, clarity and drives innovation.

Invest in the future

Always focus on the long term, never go for short term profit.

Development of our people

We provide personal development and professional growth for all beginners to experts.

Act with integrity

We have well crafted personalities, we are open minded and pursue the truth. We are transparent and humble driven by personal excellence.
